Title: Kawasaki Daishi Nakamise-Dori (The main street of Kawasaki Daishi with numerous souvenir shops and stalls)
Location: In front of the main gate of the Kawasaki Daishi Heikenji Temple.
Along the main street facing the gate of the Kawasaki Daishi Heikenji Temple, numerous shops and stalls sell souvenirs and various Daishi specialty items.
Although some shops date back more decades, the atmosphere of the street represents the remnant of the nostalgic Showa Era. Like similar streets developed along major shrines and temples throughout Japan, the joyful atmosphere of these busy shops represents one of the typical Japanese cultural sceneries.
Items traded at Kawasaki Daishi Nakamise shops include: Japanese sweets: “kuzumochi” (arrowroot-starch pastry), “warabimochi” (bracken-starch pastry), rice crackers, candies.
Soba and others: Soba noodles made from buckwheat, Udon noodles made from wheat, rice dishes.
Tsukemono: Japanese pickles including “narazuke,” brown-colored pickles seasoned in sake lees.
Dexter Items: Daruma (dharma) tumbler dolls, talisman charms, and toys.
Café: Offers green tea with Japanese sweets.
Fortune tellers: